What was your reaction when you found out you were pregnant?
I actually found out late in my pregnancy. I was young and in a bad headspace so it wasn’t a joyous occasion. I was in denial for a long time because this wasn’t how I imagined myself having a kid. I wish I would’ve snapped out of it sooner, it could’ve avoided certain problems with my son.
Once I accepted my decision and accepted him, there was absolutely no regret. But these are lessons that I wish I understood sooner. Being more careful, being more mindful of my health and well-being, and paying closer attention to my decisions and their consequences. It would’ve saved Jaylan and me a lot of pain.
How did becoming a mother change you?
It changed me completely. When he was born, I was reborn with him. Sometimes I wonder if I would still be alive if I hadn’t had him. I was so selfish then that it took me having a big belly to acknowledge that this was real! It isn't just me anymore, and that was hard to accept, to be honest. Because now all the decisions I make affect him, even my bad ones. I have to think everything through because I don’t want my mistakes to fall on him. Becoming a mother allowed me to give him my all; it saved my life. I want Jaylan to be better than me, have more than I did and feel how loved he is. He made my life meaningful, and I will always be grateful for him.